
Delta State University Honor Choir Festival


The Delta State University Honor Choir is a special offering, sponsored by the DSU 唱诗班, 为密西西比州及周边各州优秀的高中声乐学生而设. The festival takes place in the Bologna Performing Arts Center, a state-of-the-art performance venue located 在 campus of Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi.

Guest 导体 – 卡洛斯棕色(的) 

卡洛斯B. 布朗,维.M.A., 导体, Scholar, Lyric Tenor, and Composer, 他是乔治亚州亚特兰大人,在那里接受了他的音乐基础. 在南卡罗来纳的本尼迪克特学院获得音乐学士学位后, 他以优异的成绩获得了内布拉斯加大学林肯分校合唱指挥专业的音乐硕士学位。. 虽然, 他曾担任内布拉斯加大学林肯大学歌手和校队男子合唱团的助理指挥,并完成了管弦乐指挥的中学学习,专注于合唱大师作品. 布朗后来在辛辛那提大学音乐学院(CCM)获得了合唱指挥和神圣音乐的音乐艺术博士学位。.


他跟随导师学习指挥,导师培养了他的演奏深度, proper execution of style, 方法的明确性, 巴技术, 成绩分析, and technical acuity under such conducting specialists as Dr. Kenneth G. Bodiford, (Jacksonville State University); Dr. 琳达L. Kershaw (Benedict College), who mentored with Natalie Hiinderas; Dr. 彼得一个. Eklund, (Director of Choral Activities, UNL); Dr. 泰勒G. White, (Orchestral Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Dr. G伯爵. Rivers (Director of Choral Activities University of 辛辛那提 College-Conservatory of Music); Dr. L. Brett Scott (Associate Director of Choral Activities CCM); Dr. Kevin Holzman (Wind Conducting Professor CCM), and Dr. Aik Khai Pung (Orchestral 导体 Professor (CMM ). He has taken conducting master classes with David Rayl, Jo-Michael Schiebe, Jean-Sebastien山谷, Grammy Award Winning conductor Jason Harris, 安德烈亚斯·赫尔曼教授(德国音乐与戏剧学院)和美国著名作曲家和指挥家戴尔·沃兰德. 此外,他还在导师杨志强博士的指导下进行了额外的乐谱研究和表演练习. 劳埃德·B. 马洛里,小., Dr. 大卫E. 莫罗博士和. 罗杰McMurrin.

目前, 布朗在查尔斯顿的查尔斯顿学院担任合唱活动主任, 南卡罗来纳, where he conducts the acclaimed Concert Choir, 情歌歌手, 福音唱诗班, and teach choral and graduate conducting courses. 布朗曾在威尔伯福斯中央州立大学担任音乐副教授和合唱活动总监, 俄亥俄州, 指挥格莱美提名的中央州立大学合唱团, and The Marauder Singers (Chamber Ensemble). Prior to his tenure at CSU, 布朗曾担任马歇尔威利学院合唱活动主任, 德州, where he conducted the acclaimed Wiley College A Capella Choir, and served as a Lecturer of Music at Atlanta Metropolitan State College.

他是天使大师合唱团的创始人和艺术总监,这是一个半专业的室内乐团,致力于表演和保存非裔美国合唱音乐和欧洲古典音乐, 辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州; He is also the founder of the Brothers In Song Glee Club (Columbia, SC). 他的表演范围从传统的古典名著到激动人心的黑人圣歌. He is the leading scholar 在 TTBB合唱音乐 of Uzee 棕色(的), Jr.他是20世纪后期至今的非裔美国作曲家和编曲家.

指挥和专业亮点包括全国黑人音乐家协会(NANM)会议主持人2023年7月(达拉斯), TX). 国际指挥家协会会议主持人2023年1月(西班牙瓦伦西亚). 全国黑人音乐家协会(NANM)会议主持人2022年7月(亚特兰大,乔治亚州). Dr. 棕色(的) and the Grammy Nominated Central State University Chorus performed at the invitation of the 俄亥俄州 Choral Directors Association (OCDA) June 2020 and 2021; the Central State University Chorus performance with Grammy Award winner Kanye West for the 代顿 Sunday of Hope Service, 代顿, OH, August 2019; performing the Doctor of Musical Arts Lecture-Recital titled 上帝啊,给我们男人吧! 小尤兹·布朗男子合唱七首对比作品考察与介绍., 由博士介绍. 卡洛斯棕色(的), April 2018; Te Deum, Op. 103, by Antonin Dvořák, Dr. 棕色(的), 导体, The College Conservatory of Music’s Choral Concert Series, February 2018; Artist-in-Residence at Bethel Missionary Church, 代顿, OH, culminating in a celebration concert titled, Celebrate the King: An Easter Celebration,” January 2018-April 2018; Magnificat in D, Op. 弗朗兹·舒伯特486, The College Conservatory of Music’s Choral Concert Series, November 2017; Geistliches Lied, Op. 30 by Johannes Brahms and Elegischer Gesang, Op. 118 by Ludwig van Beethoven both with string quartet, October 2016; one of the featured conductors for the College Conservatory of Music’s annual Feast of Carols Holiday Concert conducting Gloria with Brass and Organ by Randol Bass, 2016年12月.

因为博士. 布朗对培养年轻指挥家的偏爱以及他对保存非裔美国人音乐的热爱, especially the Negro Spiritual, 他受邀在《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》上发表了一篇题为《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》的文章, 手, and Heart”; Dr. 布朗博士论文:《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》, TTBB合唱音乐, and Scholarship of Uzee 棕色(的), Jr., is being submitted for publication later this year. He also served as a panelist for the Black Music Matters Summit, Virtual Conference based out of Chicago, 2020.

除了博士. 棕色(的)’s choral activities and teaching, 布朗是一位出版过作品的作曲家,拥有包括《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》在内的几首合唱版权,“TTBB; “I’ve Been in the Storm for so Long,“TTBB; “If I Got My Ticket Can I Ride?“TTBB, SATB, and Solo Voices; “I’ve Never Seen the Righteous Forsaken,” SATB; and “We Shall Overcome,“TTBB (Choral Fanfare). 他的音乐出版商认为作曲家对传统的精神合唱环境非常尊重,同时注入了对和声序列和非典型节奏的创新使用.

Professional memberships include Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society (ODK); National Association of Negro Musicians, 公司. (NANM); Chorus America; American Choral 导体s Association (ACDA); International 导体s Guild; 俄亥俄州 Choral Directors Association (OCDA); Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, 公司., and Board Member of Americolor Opera Alliance, 合并, which is a non-profit theater arts performance organization.

Auditions for DSU Honor Choir 

For general inquiries, please contact Dr. 茱莉亚刺, Director of Choral Activities.

  • Thursday, October 26, 2023 @ Richland High School, Richland, MS. Register to audition at Richland HS. For information on this audition site, contact Christian Millwood at chr533@rcsd.ms
  • 在2023年11月6日前安排KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的校内试镜 通过联系 Dr. 茱莉亚刺

Timeline for DSU Honor Choir Auditions:

* October 20, 2023: Deadline to register for auditions

* October 26-30, 2023: Auditions in various locations

* 2023年11月10日:所有参与的董事将被录取的学生通知

* 2023年12月22日:向DSU提交节日注册费的截止日期为每位学生50美元.


Print this audition, complete legibly & 带去试镜. There is no audition fee.

DSU Honor Choir Audition Procedures (for high school teachers):

The audition consists of two parts, both sung in quartets:

  • Prepared audition excerpts
  • 视唱

对于准备好的选段,每个学生都将作为sat四重奏组的成员进行评估. (If you are not bringing any students in a particular voice part, students will not audition in quartets. 例如, if you do not have any tenors auditioning, then your students will audition in soprano-alto-bass trios.) If you bring an uneven number of students per voice part auditioning, some of your students may sing in multiple quartets.  Students singing in multiple quartets will be evaluated 只有 在 第一个 quartet in which they sing.

For the quartet sight-singing, each student in the quartet will be given a simple, 四, 大音阶, 全音阶练习. They will have one minute to look over and practice the exercise before singing it; teachers may coach students during this minute if they wish. 学生们可以唱唱段、数字、无意义的音节,或者他们喜欢的任何系统. The quartet will sing together. This will be an easy but 4 part example.


Lamentations of Jeremiah – Measures: 18-38 | Piano Accompaniment: Lamentations of Jeremiah

Let Their Celestial 音乐会 all Unite – Measures: 1-16 | Piano Accompaniment: Let Their Celestial 音乐会 all Unite


Lamentations of Jeremiah – Z. 兰德尔Stroope

Light Shall Lift Us – Paul Moravec

Let Their Celestial 音乐会 All Unite – George F. 汉德尔

Sometimes I Feel – Alice Parker and Robert Shaw

Out In The Fields – William Levi Dawson

抓住! ——小尤兹·布朗.