

联邦工作研究 (FWS) provides jobs for students with financial needs, allowing them to earn money while in school. Work study award amounts must be earned by the hours worked before students are paid. Students are paid between $1,000 – $1,500 a semester depending on what their award limit is. They are paid on the 15th of each month through direct deposit or check.

Approximately 300 students that show financial needed are awarded work study amounts each year at Delta State based on their interest on the FAFSA and FAFSA completion. Students must be in at least 6 hours and in good financial aid standing to be awarded FWS.

Students can begin working as early as the first day of class depending on their FWS approval. Most students work between 10-20 hours a week depending on the hours/earnings they are awarded. The last day of work will fall on the day of graduation at the end of each semester.

If you have been awarded 联邦工作研究, follow these steps:

  1. 你 will fill out a “FWS Employee Action Request” (yellow form) for the 金融援助 Department. 这个表格是 强制性的 ,是 “proof” of your eligibility for work study. It must be filled out with 标志atures from both you and your 部门主管 (department in which you are hired). On the back of this form, you will complete the Time Sheet policy section. 这个表格是 只有 available to be picked up, in person, in the 金融援助 office — Kent Wyatt Hall, Suite 144. After the form is completed, please return it to Lauren Boulanger in the 金融援助 office.  你 will receive an email to your Okramail regarding when the form is available to pick up.
  2. 你 will need to complete all necessary paperwork and trainings for 人力资源. Information on this will be sent to your Okramail email address. 你 can also find this paperwork on our webpage link below. Please 打印 and complete all forms that pertain to you, 打印, 标志, and date your training certificates, and turn them in to your 部门主管.

    Here are the links for the 强制性的 trainings:

    Active Shooter Training:

    Workplace Discriminatory Harassment Awareness and Prevention Training: http://www.mspb.ms.gov/presentations/HAD/index.html

  3. 你r supervisor will submit all of your paperwork and training certificates to 人力资源. 你r supervisor will also create and submit an EPAF to officially hire you as a 联邦工作研究 student employee.
  4. 你可能 开始工作直到 所有 paperwork has been turned in and processed, your EPAF has been approved, and authorization has been granted to your supervisor.

**如果你是 重新雇用 from last year, you DO 不 have to fill out paperwork or do the trainings. 你 只有 需要一个 Federal Work-Study Employment Action Request (yellow form)  unless you need to make changes or update any other documents. 你 will pick up this form in the 金融援助 Department.

Regular 学生就业

Regular student employment is the opportunity to work in a department on campus. Eligibility is not based on the incomes of the student or the family.

Approximately 100 students work in departments on campus as regular student employees. Any student is eligible for open positions.

Students interested in working on campus should contact department directly to check for available positions. Each department will instruct students how to apply for open jobs.

Students typically work 5-10 hours per week. Student workers are paid on the 15th of each month.


Delta State’s 职业服务 serves to assist undergraduate and graduate students and alumni in their career journeys! Services include resume consultations, 职业生涯辅导, 招聘信息, 求职计划, workshops on interviewing and business etiquette skills, 校园面试, 电子邮件通讯, a Career Ambassadors’ student organization and much more.

职业服务 can assist students with finding on-campus and even off-campus jobs. 访问 职业服务 for more information on finding student jobs.


All RSE supervisors should visit the 人力资源 website to 打印 the New Regular Student Employee (RSE) Employment Packet at the following address: http://g6yn.stilllearninglife.com/human-resources/human-resource-forms/.

All Work-Study supervisors should visit the link below to retrieve the New Hire FWS Packet. Once packet is completed, New Hire paperwork should be submitted via the OneDrive to 人力资源.

Let 职业服务 Help Find 你 a Campus Job

New Hire FWS Paperwork